About Me

Kory Crozier

Kory Crozier

Having retired from a 30-year teaching career, I was ready for a new challenge. I spent the last 15 years of my career as the Head of Guidance in a High School. There were many aspects to my job. The part that I loved the most was helping students realize their future. As I finished off this career, I wondered what I would do to realize my future. I had always loved to travel. It started when, at the age of 13, I decided that I wanted to participate in a World Jamboree with Girl Guides from around the world. This led me to spending 3 weeks in England and Scotland. I believe that this first experience shaped how I saw travel fitting into my life. Since that time, I have travelled to Europe several times, several parts of Canada and the United States as well as some of the Caribbean. Whether it be a land or sea-based travel my experiences have shaped who I am today. I am excited to help others also see the benefits of travel and create lasting memories.

Are you ready?

Let's start planning your trip today!